The Hendrix household is kicking off this new year with a 21-day cleanse (totally necessary after the rager-of-a-month that December was). This cleanse is all about your gut and how certain foods affect the way it works. I just finished reading Clean Gut by Alejandro Junger, M.D. and was inspired to try out his cleanse - it basically removes all toxic food triggers from your diet for 21-days which completely restores and rejuvenates your gut allowing your body to function at it's very best.
Here is what we will be cutting out of our diet for 21 days:
Processed Sugar
All Fruits except for Berries
So...basically, everything I love.
Each day will begin with hot lemon water and a berry green smoothie followed by a small snack (handful of Almonds or Celery with Fresh Almond Butter) followed by lunch (lean protein and greens) followed by another small snack (healthy deviled eggs or sliced turkey) followed by dinner (this is were I will be getting creative).
In the last week of the cleanse we will do a "reintroduction" process that will allow us to identify what our individual toxic triggers are - basically we will be able to see which foods are causing inflammation, acidity, irritation, and/or indigestion. We will slowly add gluten, processed sugar, caffeine, and dairy back into our diet (not on the same days) and then track how are we feeling by paying extra attention to our mood, and physical symptoms like bloating, fatigue, and indigestion/gas.
Bottom line - we are hoping to reset for the new year and maybe, just maybe become a little more
in-tune with our bodies.
Here is the Berry Green Smoothie I created for breakfast this morning.
8 oz coconut water with pulp
1 Tbsp Macro Greens Supplement*
1/2 cup frozen organic blueberries
1/3 cup frozen organic strawberries
1 large handful fresh baby organic spinach
handful crushed ice
Blend well. Enjoy Immediately.
*The Macro Greens Supplement is a magical super food in powder form made by MacroLife Naturals (it can be found at Whole Foods) and it contains everything that is amazing for you. Highly recommend this product. A 2 oz container runs about $12.99.
I also highly recommend reading Clean Gut. Find more info about the book HERE.